
Three presidential aircraft put on sale to pay for two new ones for Tinubu and Shettima

NIGERIA'S federal government has put three of the aircraft in the presidential fleet up for sale as part of a plan to cut the excessive spending on maintenance that is a huge drain on scarce government revenue.


Despite Nigeria's current economic crisis, she has a huge presidential fleet made up of airplanes and four helicopters and selling off the three aircraft would half the number of jets it has.



As part of our Make Nigeria Better series, let us look at the economic potential of Kogi State and see how it could become one of Nigeria’s cash cows

Ayo Akinfe

[1] Kogi is one of the least developed states in Nigeria in terms of infrastructure. It lacks basic roads, rural areas are inaccessible during the rainy season and it struggles to attract private sector employers

[2] Despite being home to the historic confluence of the rivers Niger and Benue, Kogi State is shamelessly more or less wholly dependent on federal allocation handouts for its survival


Michael Olise agrees five year deal with Bayern Munich as Nigeria still hopes to get him

NIGERIA-eligible playmaker Michael Olise has entered into a €60m (£50.7m) agreement with German Bundesliga giants Bayern Munich that will see him contracted to the Allianz Arena side until 2029.



For Nigeria to work, we need to get the country’s 36 states functioning. Let us kickstart this process by looking at the economic potential of Cross River State

Ayo Akinfe

[1] Cross River is Nigeria’s second largest cocoa producing state with an annual crop of about 80,000 tonnes. It also has the advantage of bordering Cameroon which has an annual crop of 180,000 tonnes. Calabar should be a major chocolate processing centre with the likes of Mars, Cadbury and Nestle all owning processing plants there


Nigerian-Americans seeking to bring their spouses into the country suffer major setback

NIGERIAN-Americans intending on bringing their partners into the country may have suffered a significant setback yesterday after the US Supreme Court ruled against the constitutional rights of US citizens to sue over visa denial for their foreign spouses.



As President Tinubu returns to face domestic problems like insecurity, inflation, the minimum wage dilemma, power shortages and infrastructural inadequacies, I hope he realises no nation can be secure unless it manufacturers its own defence equipment

Ayo Akinfe

[1] I hope that President Tinubu has making Nigeria self-reliant when it comes to defence equipment one of his cardinal programmes. There is no way any other nation will be able to manufacture the equipment we want, in the quantities we want, at the time we want it and at the price we can afford


Nigeria's foreign reserve increase by 5% to $33.58bn according to latest CBN report

NIGERIA'S foreign exchange reserves have increased by 5% to $33.58bn over the last two months giving the economy a bit of a mini boost and allowing the Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN) slight room for manoeuvre.



If you ask me, the biggest problem with Nigeria is the mentality of the people. Until we sort that out we are going nowhere as a nation

Ayo Akinfe

[1] Nigerians are fond of blaming their plethora of socio-economic woes on bad leadership. To that I say fa,fa, fa, foul. Our leadership is a mirror image of society. There are 109 senators in the National Assembly, if you went to Oshodi market and picked 109 Nigerians at random, you would find that their attitude and outlook is no different from that of the senators


Kaduna State government pledges to keep spending on school feeding to address almajiri problem

GOVERNOR Uba Sani of Kaduna State has pledged to make sure that all the almajiri children within his jurisdiction are provided with qualitative educational opportunities in a bid to combat the growing menace of street urchins.



We missed a great opportunity by not organising a pan-African economic summit around the swearing-in of President Ramaphosa to address our plethora of socio-economic woes

Ayo Akinfe

[1] As we speak, Africa accounts for about 4% of world trade and 1% of global manufacturing despite having 18% of the planet’s population. Such an arrangement is simply not sustainable and has to be urgently addressed whether anyone likes it or not



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