10 new security measures we need to look at taking in the wake of the Owo massacre

Ayo Akinfe

[1] Start manufacturing all our armaments locally so our security forces have the required equipment

[2] Effectively police our borders to curtail the influx of ammunition from neighbouring countuies

[3) Establish a special forces commando unit similar to say the British SAS or the US Navy Seals

[4] Build more factories, leisure and sports facilities so our youth stop congregating in mosques and churches where they get indoctrinated

[5] Bring police remuneration up to par with that of the armed forces

[6] Launch a public works programme every five years to put our unemployed youths back to work

[7] Get our clergymen working on investment projects so they have less time and energy to mislead our youth. Every member of Boko Haram was initially influenced by some deranged imam

[8] Create a special anti-terrorist unit within the Nigeria Police Force

[9] Decentralise our military structure so that local army battalions have their own airborne divisions with their own aircraft and pilots

[10] Never allow the illiteracy rate to rise above 10% in any state
