After World War Two, America recruited the best German scientists, made them citizens and put them in charge of the Nasa space programme. I hope Nigeria is eyeing some of Russia’s finest:

[1] Steel manufacturers 
[2] Railway engineers 
[3] Wheat farmers 
[4] Food processors
[5] Covid-19 scientists 
[6] Electric automobile plant engineers 
[7] Clean energy engineers 
[8] Gas plant experts 
[9] Oil refinery engineers 
[10] Consumer goods manufacturers

After World War Two, there was an almighty scramble for the best Nazi brains. The US, Argentina and Australia got the best of them.

Nigeria needs to learn from history. If Russia becomes a pariah start after this war, we need their best brains to industrialise our economy. 

We should have set up a Russian Brains Poaching Unit by now that is working on a long list. We can offer them anything they want in exchange.
