I have been to the mountain top and seen the Promised Land. The Future is Bright: The Future is Nigerian

Ayo Akinfe

[1] Africa is in the middle of earth, Nigeria is almost in the middle of Africa, so we are not just any nation. We should consider ourselves humanity's hope of the 22nd century. Let us start off buy aiming to be the world's largest manufacturer if electric cars by 2030. Let us come up with a revolutionary production regime that they will enable Innoson Motors to manufacture an electric 4x4 jeep for £5,000.

[2] I found out that many scientists dispute the fact that on June 20 1969, Neil Armstrong actually landed on the moon. They believe it was a hoax and that the filming was taken on earth. Critics point to inadequate evidence and ask why we have not done it again since. How about Nigeria goes to the moon and plants he flag there, making the matter beyond doubt?

[3] During World War Two, Adolf Hitler came very close to developing flying saucers. I believe most of those UFO aircraft we have seen may have been Nazi spaceships being tested. Can we please complete this my manufacturing a genuine circular spacecraft and using it to fly from Lagos to London

[4] It has long been suspected that life of some sort may exist on Mars. Some people say the surface of Mars is too inhospitable and the humans there may live underground in its core. Oya, Nigerians, let us go there and find out if this is true

[5] For a long while, we have been talking about flying at the speed of light. So far, man has not been able to achieve it. Can someone please tell me why we should not crack this nut come the 22nd century? I believe there are terrestrial beings in other solar systems but we will only get there if we can fly at the speed of light. I would love to shake hands with another life form from distance planets

[6] During the Cold War, the US tried tirelessly to come up with the flying man as the fastest way of deploying combat troops. The idea was to release them like a swarm of bees as you do with ground troops. Just imagine if we could release soldiers into Sambisa Forest like that

[7] One of the downsides to the end of the Cold War was the cancellation of the race to fly at supersonic speed. Concorde and its rival Concordski were both scrapped and we are no longer looking to build a massive jumbo jet that can take say 2,000 people and fly from Europe to Asia in two hours. I believe Nigeria should build on the success of the A380 Airbus and come up with a passenger plane that will blow our minds away

[8] When I look at high speed trains such as Eurostar and the Maglev, one thing is missing from all of them. None of them is double decker. What stops Nigeria from becoming the first nation on earth to develop a double decker high speed train?

[9] During World War Two, the Nazi's had a scary programme called the Wonder Weapons scheme or Wunderwaffe. Just as well Hitler was defeated because I dread to think what he would have done with these type of weapons. Some of the plans they were working on were so revolutionary, they would just blow your mind away. One of them, which still leaves me with my mouth agape was the weaponised human. It was designed to limit the number of casualties. Morally, I am not sure about this but it is at least worth looking into. So controversial was this programme that the Nazis killed the scientists working on them when they faced defeat

[10] Do you know that in France today, the remains of the jet engine train are still there? After World War Two, the French came up with the Aero Train, which was designed to run on a railway network strictly running on levitation. The trains did not rest on tracks. Just imagine of we had such inter-continental railway lines that could run at say 500km per hour 
