10 things we should expect from the world’s largest black nation 

Ayo Akinfe 

[1] An gross domestic product of at least $5trn 
[2] An annual budget of around $500bn
[3] About 50,000km of rail track compared with the current 3,600km
[4] A tarred road network of about 1,000,000km compared with the current 195,000km
[5] A doctor to patient ratio of about 5:1,000 compared with the current 4:10,000
[6] A national grid that generates and distributes 100,000MW of power annually 
[7] A 99% literacy rate 
[8] At least 50% of all leadership positions filled by women 
[9] Free education and healthcare at all levels 
[10] An economy that accounts for about 20% of global manufacturing
