Nigeria needs to introduce a Miscellaneous Activities Which Encourage Corruption Bill that comes with a five year jail sentence for anyone convicted of the following offences

Ayo Akinfe 

[1] Receving material inducements from politicians to vote for them 
[2] Accepting so-called “transport money”
[3] Monarchs accepting cash payments to confer chieftaincy titles on their subjects 
[4] The purchase of private jets 
[5] Spraying of the naira 
[6] Throwing exotic parties in choice locations like Dubai 
[7] Embarking on medical tourism for ailments that can easily be treated at home 
[8] Having a motorcade that exceeds five automobiles 
[9] Owning more than three personal vehicles 
[10] Owning more than three private residences 

Greed breeds corruption!
Vanity breeds corruption!
Ostentation breeds corruption!
