Britain’s current petrol queues nail the myth that there is anything to be gained from xenophobia, secession, balkanisation and the go-it-alone illusion 

Ayo Akinfe 

[1] In life, very little happens without precedence. What we are seeing in the UK today is a classic case of xenophobic fears coming back to bite a people in the behind. As ever, the chickens alwats come home to roost 

[2] Brexit was nothing but hatred for one’s fellow man disguised as “The right to self determination.” That was exactly the language the Nazis used in Germany in the 1930s, that used by the Fascists in Italy in the 1920s and that used to justify apartheid in South Africa 

[3] Whenever you see a people wary of other humans, it is because they lack the capacity to compete and want to maintain a privileged advantage over them

[4] When I look at the current nonsensical slogans demanding the balkanisation of Nigeria, I ask myself why anyone would want to carve the world’s largest black nation up into 774 petty emirates. Have you not noticed that these secessionists do not have one policy on job creation, economic diversification, health, transport, housing, education, etc?

[5] Like all xenophobes, secessionists believe that once they have their mythical republics of Biafra, Oduduwa, Arewa, etc, all life’s problems will just disappear. They naively think that you can run a nation without a job creation programme 

[6] As the Taliban are currently finding out in Afghanistan, it is one thing to hate and another thing to build. Hate can get you political power, Brexit or secession but it does not create one job, build one kilometre of road or provide one hospital bed 

[7] A lot of the bigots chanting Brexit a few years ago, only did so because they hated Eastern Europeans. Now that these migrant workers have left, these Little Englanders have found out that there is a chronic manpower shortage. Long may the petrol queues continue until the message sinks in that they cannot survive alone 

[8] I just hope that the European Union makes the UK grovel big time before re-admitting it. Undertakings must be signed that xenophobic Europhobic language will not be tolerated if the UK wants to return to the fold of decent human beings 

[9] I hope this serves as a good eye opener to those chanting bigoted slogans like Oduduwa, Biafra, Arewa, etc. Let us be honest, the Fulani herdsmen saga has just offered them something to latch on to. Even if the Fulani were the most peaceful people on earth, many of these xenophobes would still resent them because they see them as different 

[10] I will forever remain a collectivist. Mankind will always thrive when things are done collectively as epitomised by the Jewish Kibbutz and the Paris Commune of 1871. That was the whole idea behind the EU and it has succeeded in keeping Europe relatively peaceful since the end of World War Two.
