10 wasteful habits Nigerians need to abandon in 2021 and invest the money from them in stocks, bonds, shares, cooperative schemes, etc if we are serious about a post-Covid-19 economic revival

Ayo Akinfe

(1) Paying 10% of their earnings as tithes and zakat. All you are senselessly doing is breeding a clique of millionaire clergymen

(2) Spraying money at owambes. It is actually very inflationary

(3) Bankrolling the tourist industries of Saudi Arabia, Israel and the Vatican by going on needless religious pilgrimages

(4) Owning more than two cars per household

(5) Having a traditional monarch in virtually every town and village

(6) Consuming luxury goods we do not consume like Gucci and Lui Vitton fashion products

(7) Owning private jets. It should shame all such people that Nigeria has no national carrier. This is pushing selfishness beyond acceptable bounds

(8) Acquiring all these endless titles with the accompanying pageantry that goes along with them. We are no longer in the feudal 18th century. In 2021, over 90% of the human race are content to be just Mr or Ms

(9) The constant use of skin bleaching products. If anything, that should be made a criminal offence at least on a par with cocaine or arms trafficking

(10) Importing all this Brazilian and Mexican hair. We have to get into the habit of only consuming what we produce
