Do you have the moral right to complain about bad governance in Nigeria if you are engaged in any of the following

Ayo Akinfe

(1) Collecting handouts from politicians to vote for them knowing fully well that they will reclaim the money once in office

(2) Accepting stomach infrastructure rather than demand policies from politicians

(3) Helping to rig elections and intimidate voters

(4) Backing a criminal member of the elite simply because he or she is from your ethnic group

(5) Regarding a member of another ethnic group as an inferior being

(6) Refusing to accept that other views on religion are just as authentic as yours. There is nothing sacrosanct about your faith. It is just an opinion

(7) Engaging in mindless ostentation that shows insensitivity. Why do you need to go and throw a party in Dubai for instance or why do you need 10 SUVs

(8) Paying ransoms to kidnappers knowing fully well they will use the money to buy more sophisticated weapons. The only way to defeat kidnapping is to call their bluff and accept the loss of life as a price that has to be paid for long term gain

(9) Helping your child engage in examination malpractice

(10) Giving money to clergymen that would have better been spent investing in local infrastructure in your community. Ask yourself how many electricity transformers, boreholes or hospital beds a Gulfstream private jet can buy
