Nigeria to ask Madagascar for a few samples of its herbal remedy called Covid Organics

NIGERIA has decided to try out Madagascar's coronavirus herbal remedy known as Covid Organics by asking the Madagascan authorities to send a plane load of the solution to Abuja so local scientists can test it.


Earlier this week, Madagascan scientists came up with Covid-19 Organics, a herbal remedy, which was made from local plants that are also used to cure malaria. According to the country's president Andry Rajoelina, the herbal remedy has been tested and has cured people but the World Health Organisation (WHO) has pointed out that there is no proof of this, so has refused to fund its development.


Highly unique, as a result of its long isolation from neighbouring continents, Madagascar, the world's fourth largest island, is home to various plants and animals found nowhere else on planet earth. More than 80% of Madagascar's 14,883 plant species are found nowhere else in the world, making it an ideal location where a coronavirus remedy can be come across.


Encouraged by the development, the US backed the Madagascan initiative with some cash, in the hope that it may prove effective. Michael Pelletier, the US ambassador to Madagascar, announced that Washington will fund the development of the drug, claimed to be both a cure and a vaccine with £2.5m.


Now, Boss Mustapha, the secretary to the federal government of Nigeria and chairman of the Covid-19 presidential task force, has said he the country may ask for a batch too.  Covid Organics, which contains artemisa, a plant used in treating malaria, was developed by the Malagasy Institute of Applied Research.


Me Mustapha said:“I want to assure you that whatever is happening in the world, we are mindful of it and we are keeping tabs. I was reading of the experiences in Madagascar, of why everybody is drinking some solutions that have been prepared.


"This morning I was sharing with my wife, and I told her that probably I would request that Mr President to allow us import a plane load for a trial. Because, we are all navigating an unchartered cause nobody has ever been on this road, so, every attempt to find solution that would bring succour to our people, be rest assure that this task force is very responsible and we would do everything to ensure that we get what will benefit our people and what will help them in the processes that we find ourselves today.”


Although, the World Health Organisation has continually warned that there is no cure yet for the virus, some vaccines have been used in clinical trials. Seyi Makinde, the Oyo State governor who recovered after being tested positive, said he used a mixture of local solutions to boost his immune system.
