Nollywood actress Foluke Daramola-Salako says 75% of rape cases involve religious leaders

NOLLYWOOD actress Foluke Daramola-Salako has revealed that about 75% of the rape cases her charity has dealt with involve religious leaders who have exploited vulnerable women and youngsters.


Nigeria is currently having to deal with a surge in rape cases, as women's bodies step up the campaign against sexual assault, which has grown out of proportion lately. Ms Daramola-Salako, who founded a non-governmental organisation to care for rape victims, said she was raped by her parent's tenant when she was 17.


She added: “75% of the cases I have on my table are from religious leaders and most times we don’t get to the end of it. This is because when we start investigating the cases, the family would come and tell us we should leave the religious leader to God.”


Ms Daramola-Salako further dismissed claims that indecent dressing by ladies is responsible for the increase in the number of rape cases. She actress stressed that rape is just a sign of weakness by rapists, as most victims of rape cases in Nigeria are against children, teenagers and elderly women who do not dress indecently.


“Nothing attracts rape. Why do they rape minors, teenagers, and even old women. Is that also about indecent dressing?


“You hardly find rape cases against young women except for sexual assaults and abuse in workplaces. We find it mostly amongst children, teenagers, and elderly women, how come you are now telling me it is indecent dressing?," she added.


Meanwhile, the International Federation of Women Lawyers on Saturday demanded for death sentence as punishment for rapists in Nigeria. At least two lawmakers have blamed the scourge on indecent dressing by women, which has attracted widespread condemnation.
