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Ayo Akinfe
[1] In terms of population, Bayelsa is the smallest state in Nigeria, meaning that it has a lot of uninhabited land, which could be used for development. It should bethe epicentre of the federal government’s blue economy plans because Bayelsa has an abundance of rivers, creeks and waterways
[2] Bayelsa is not short of natural resources as it is the largest source of liquefied natural gas in Nigeria. In an ideal world, it would have a 20,000MW gas-fired power plant that can electrify the whole of Nigeria
[3] Bayelsa also has the largest gas reservoir (18tcf) in Nigeria. Why we are still using firewood in the country when this resource is wasting away is beyond me. Bayelsa State should have a gas company, which has a pipeline network linking every home in the country to its supply line
[4] How there is poverty in Bayelsa when it accounts for over 40% of Nigeria’s onshore crude oil production is beyond me. Even if the federal government and the oil companies are hopeless and uncaring, is there anything preventing the Bayelsa State government floating an Oil Equipment Manufacturing Company of Nigeria that makes say oil rigs, oil wells, drilling equipment, etc?
[5] Bayelsa is also one of Nigerian leading palm oil producing states. I am now asking all my Bayelsa friends - How many edible oil processing plants do you have in your state? Shame on your state government if you ask me
[6] Bayelsa is also one of the biggest marine seafood producing state in Nigeria. Can someone please tell me why the state is not littered with fish processing factories, seafood processing plants, fishmongers, etc. It will shock you to know that Nigeria is a net importer of fish
[7] Do you also know that Bayelsa State has the longest coastline in Nigeria. It has a total of 203km yet the state does not have one shipyard or ship breakers. I challenge the Bayelsa State governor to go to Teeside in the UK and woo those shipbuilders who once made Britain the world’s leading maritime power
[8] When I look at the strides the like of China and South Korea are making in maritime, I shudder. They are manufacturing containers by the millions on a dally basis. Bayelsa State, it is time for you to get in on the act!
[9] I cannot think of one state in Nigeria that had suffered more from this oil doom than Bayelsa. This lazy dependence on petroleum has turned Bayelsa into one of the least developed states in the country when it should be a thriving industrial workshop
[10] What constitutes a crime against humanity is that the Bayelsa State government has not deemed it fit to build a deep sea port at somewhere like Brass or Sagbama. It should be so big that all our landlocked West African neighbours use it. Bayelsa State should float a holding company to run the venture. This company should then build express rail links to countries like Niger Republic, Chad, Mali, Burkina Faso, etc so cargo and freight can be delivered there pronto